Archive: Feb 2024

Underground Storage Tank Removal Services

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At O’ROURKE, we are proud to specialize in providing comprehensive underground storage tank (UST) removal services that are specially tailored to meet the needs of our clients. Our team of demolition experts has decades of experience and is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to remove underground storage tanks safely and efficiently! We’ll also ensure compliance with environmental regulations and minimize any potential impact on your property – reach out to us today for more information!

Underground Storage Tank Removal Services

What is an Underground Storage Tank (UST)?

An underground storage tank (UST) is a container buried beneath the ground’s surface and used to store liquids or gases. These tanks are commonly found at gas stations, industrial facilities, and properties where the storage of large amounts of fuel or chemicals underground is preferred for reasons of safety, space, or aesthetics.

A Storage Tank Can Be Placed Underground for Many Reasons

While there are several reasons businesses opt for storage tanks, underground placement is often chosen to maximize space above ground. It also provides better safety by reducing fire hazards and protects the stored substance from extreme surface temperatures. This method of storage is particularly common for fuel, including gasoline and heating oil, which is why it has become such a critical component of many commercial and industrial operations.

Are These Storage Tanks Considered Hazardous?

Whether an underground storage tank is considered hazardous depends on its contents and condition. Underground tanks used to store substances like petroleum and certain chemicals can pose environmental risks, including surrounding soil and water contamination if they leak.

For this reason, managing, maintaining, and, when necessary, safely removing these UST systems is vital for the property and surrounding areas. At O’ROURKE, our underground tank removal services are designed to address these concerns and ensure that all hazardous materials are handled and disposed of properly!

O’ROURKE Provides Professional UST Removal Solutions

Our trusted team at O’ROURKE is dedicated to offering top-tier underground storage tank removal solutions. We’re fully equipped to manage all aspects of the removal process, from initial assessment to the final disposal. All in all, we ensure a seamless process for UST owners no matter what their needs are.

Tank Removal Requires Specialized Expertise

The removal of underground storage tanks is a complex process that demands specialized knowledge and skills. Our team at O’ROURKE is comprised of industry experts who have years of experience in UST removal! We understand the intricacies involved in the safe extraction and disposal of these tanks, which is why we’ve become such a reliable choice for property owners across the country.

Trusted Waste Management and Transport Services

Part of our comprehensive UST removal includes trusted waste management and transport services. We ensure that all materials removed from your site are handled in compliance with local environmental laws and regulations. Our tank disposal solutions guarantee that hazardous and non-hazardous waste is safely and efficiently transported from your site to appropriate disposal or treatment facilities.

underground tank removal for environmental services

Abatement and Removal Services for Hazardous Materials

When dealing with tanks that contain or have contained hazardous materials, we employ rigorous abatement and removal protocols to mitigate any risks. Our team is highly trained in the handling of hazardous substances, ensuring that the removal process is conducted safely with minimal environmental impact. Our top priority is the health and safety of our clients and the community in every project we undertake!

Utilizing the Best Equipment in the Industry

To ensure the highest standards of safety and efficiency, O’ROURKE utilizes the best equipment available in the industry for UST removal. Our state-of-the-art technology and machinery allow us to perform UST extractions under various conditions, minimizing the disruption to your property and operations. In our fleet, you’ll find state-of-the-art excavators and specialized heavy machinery designed specifically for demolition and removal tasks. Better yet, our equipment is meticulously maintained and regularly updated to meet the evolving needs of our projects and clients.

Whether we need to navigate a tight urban space for a demolition project or safely extract a hazardous UST from an off-grid rural site, our arsenal of tools ensures we’re prepared for any challenge that comes our way!

Underground Hazardous Material Removal

Why Work with O’ROURKE for Specialized Demolition or Removal Projects?

When you choose O’ROURKE for your specialized demolition or underground storage tank removal projects, you partner with a leader in the field. Our unparalleled expertise, commitment to safety, and adherence to environmental regulations make us the best choice for managing your project effectively and responsibly!

Over Sixty Years of Experience in the Field

With extensive experience in the demolition sector, we’ve been able to hone our expertise and deepen our understanding of the industry’s ever-changing landscape. Through every era, O’ROURKE has remained committed to setting the standard for quality and reliability, making us a trusted partner in the industry for over sixty years!

Top-Rated Demolition and Abatement Solutions Since 1962

Since our inception in 1962, we’ve been at the forefront of providing top-rated demolition and abatement solutions. Our long-standing history is a testament to our ability to adapt and excel through decades of technological and regulatory changes. With decades of experience under our belt, we’re well-equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle projects of all shapes and sizes.

Here at O’ROURKE, our operations are grounded in a firm commitment to safety and integrity. We understand the potential risks associated with demolition and UST removal, and we prioritize the health and safety of our workers, clients, and the environment in every project we undertake. Our comprehensive safety protocols and ethical business practices ensure that every job is completed with the utmost care and professionalism, maintaining our reputation as a trusted industry leader.

Contact Us Today for More Information

If you’re ready to take on the challenge of a specialized demolition or UST removal project, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at O’ROURKE! We are ready to provide you with the information and assistance you need to get started! Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your project goals safely and efficiently.

Lead Abatement Services

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In modern times, our homes and workplaces are sanctuaries designed to shield us from the chaos and perils of the external world. Yet, lurking within the very walls meant to protect us, a silent adversary often resides—lead. This toxic element, once a staple in construction materials, now poses significant health risks to anyone exposed to it. O’ROURKE is proud to provide trusted lead abatement services, a specialized field dedicated to the identification, removal, and management of lead in our environments.

This brief guide offers an insightful glance into the world of lead abatement, underscoring its critical importance in safeguarding public health and wellbeing. Contact us today for more information on our top-rated lead abatement projects and demolition services!

Lead and hazardous material removal and abatement

What is Lead Abatement?

Lead abatement is the meticulous process of eliminating lead-containing materials from buildings and structures to prevent lead exposure. This intricate procedure goes beyond mere surface treatment or containment; it aims to permanently reduce lead poisoning hazards to protect current and future occupants.

Lead Exposure Can Bring on Health Issues

The stealthy nature of lead makes it a formidable foe for property owners across the country. It often goes unnoticed in the form of old lead-based paint, contaminated lead dust, aging pipes, and more, threatening the health of unsuspecting individuals. High levels of lead exposure can be particularly detrimental to children, impairing cognitive development, causing learning disabilities, and affecting behavioral growth. In adults, it can lead to hypertension, kidney dysfunction, and reproductive problems. All of these dangers make the role of lead abatement services not just a matter of regulatory compliance but a profound commitment to public health!

Lead Can Exist Within Paint, Dust, Water, and More

As stated above, lead’s omnipresence in older infrastructures is a haunting legacy of its past uses. Before the dangers were fully understood, lead was a common ingredient in paint, plumbing, and other building materials for its durability and corrosion resistance. As these materials deteriorate or undergo renovation, lead is released into the environment, becoming a hidden hazard in dust, chips, and even water, awaiting the opportunity to wreak havoc on our health.

Asbestos Abatement Services

Our Trusted Lead Abatement and Removal Services

In the battle against lead, specialized abatement services aim to protect the health and safety of property owners and inhabitants alike. Our team at O’ROURKE is proudly equipped with the expertise, experience, and tools necessary to tackle this invisible threat.

Decades of Experience with Hazardous Material Abatement

With a highly-trained team of experts who can combat several hazardous materials, O’ROURKE brings decades of experience in lead and asbestos abatement to each project we take on. Our journey began at a time when the dangers of lead were just coming to light, and we have since dedicated ourselves to mastering the complexities of its safe removal and management.

Utilizing Specialized Equipment and Industry Best Practices

Our approach to lead abatement is grounded in the utilization of specialized equipment and adherence to industry best practices. From HEPA filter vacuums to encapsulants and sophisticated removal techniques, we employ a comprehensive arsenal designed to tackle lead hazards in any setting effectively.

Removal and Disposal of Lead Paint and Other Toxic Materials

At the heart of our services lies the meticulous removal and safe disposal of lead paint and other toxic materials. This critical process is executed with precision and care, ensuring that all lead-containing materials are safely removed from the premises and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

Abatement and removal of hazardous lead paint

Why Work with O’ROURKE for Hazardous Material Abatement?

Choosing the right partner for lead abatement project is a decision of paramount importance. With O’ROURKE, you’re not just selecting a service provider; you’re enlisting a dedicated ally in the pursuit of a safer, healthier environment! Contact us today for more information.

Our Commitment to Safety and Integrity

Our unwavering commitment to safety and integrity sets us apart. At O’ROURKE, we believe that the cornerstone of an effective hazardous material abatement process lies in a meticulous, ethical approach to every job. We strictly follow EPA guidelines and safety regulations, ensuring that every project is executed with the utmost care for the health of occupants and workers alike.

Following EPA Guidelines and Safety Regulations

As we’ve mentioned, adherence to EPA guidelines and safety regulations is not just a legal requirement for us; it’s a moral imperative! Our methodologies are crafted to meet and exceed these standards, embodying our commitment to delivering services that not only comply with regulations but also protect communities from the dangers of lead exposure and more.

Sustainable Solutions for Waste Management

In our quest to combat lead hazards, we also champion sustainable solutions for waste management. Recognizing the environmental impact of lead disposal, we employ eco-friendly practices that minimize waste and promote the recycling and safe disposal of lead-containing materials.

Top-Rated Demolition Contractors Since 1962

Our reputation as a top-rated demolition contractor since 1962 speaks to our enduring dedication and expertise. Through decades of navigating the challenges of hazardous material abatement, our experience and professionalism have made us leaders in the field!

We believe our team’s experience and professionalism set O’ROURKE apart from other demolition and environmental remediation contractors. Our crew’s unparalleled knowledge and skill in handling hazardous materials ensure that every project is approached with the precision and diligence it deserves, securing not just compliance but also peace of mind.

Contact Us Today for More Information

The path to securing a lead-free property is not merely a task—it’s a vital project that requires a fusion of expertise, unwavering commitment, and meticulous attention to detail. At O’ROURKE, we don’t just offer services; we offer partnership for property owners that goes beyond the conventional!

Reach out to our team at O’ROURKE to schedule an inspection or to get more information on our demolition and lead abatement solutions.

Asbestos Abatement Services

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The majority of asbestos products have been banned for use in the United States, but plenty of buildings and materials that contain the dangerous substance still remain! Most commonly found in the building materials of commercial buildings and older homes, asbestos is a harmful substance that requires careful handling and removal to ensure the health and safety of a structure’s occupants. Exposure to asbestos fibers has been proven to lead to chronic health issues, including lung cancer. Our asbestos abatement services can help prevent asbestos exposure by identifying and safely removing any of this hazardous material from your home, business, or job site! Read on or contact our team today to learn more.

Trusted Solutions for Asbestos Removal and Abatement

Our industry-leading asbestos removal and abatement services are designed with safety first and foremost in mind. Our comprehensive solutions can help identify and isolate any potentially hazardous material, and our experienced team of professionals are experts at safely containing, removing, and abating asbestos and other dangerous materials. Our dedication to site safety and regulatory procedures ensures that the risks for cross-contamination are minimal and help protect the health and safety of our team and our clients alike!

asbestos removal by workers during demolition

Full-Service Demolition and Environmental Remediation

Our comprehensive environmental services include complete demolition and hazardous material remediation solutions. From asbestos inspection, containment, and removal to other HAZMAT handling services, O’ROURKE’s solutions are designed to provide safe and effective remediation for your home, business, or job site. With our services, you can trust that these spaces are safe for occupation and ready for whatever comes next.

Experience with Handling Hazardous Materials

Our expert team of industry professionals has decades of experience working with hazardous materials of all types, from asbestos-containing materials to lead, mold, and more. Our expertise helps us safely identify and abate any hazardous material on your property while ensuring the continued health and well-being of its occupants. From start to finish, you can rely on our experience to get the job done quickly, safely, and with the utmost attention to detail.

Dedication to Following Safety and EPA Regulations

When it comes to the containment, abatement, and removal of hazardous materials, safety is paramount. Our team at O’ROURKE is committed to following all applicable EPA and OSHA regulations to mitigate any potential health risk throughout both our immediate work area and the surrounding areas of our projects. By following strict guidelines for the safe containment and processing of asbestos and other hazardous materials, we can ensure a safe environment for both our team and our clients throughout our projects.

Proper Containment, Removal, and Disposal

Our abatement services begin with thorough asbestos testing to verify the presence of the hazardous material. Once any suspected asbestos is confirmed to be present, we use thorough and comprehensive containment systems to close off the hazardous material from the rest of the structure before we begin the removal process. Removal and disposal are done as quickly and effectively as safety allows, along with a high degree of professionalism and attention to detail for the best possible results.

Our Team Ensures a Safe and Secure Site with Every Project

At O’ROURKE, we take our responsibility and commitment to safety seriously. When dealing with asbestos materials or any kind of other potentially hazardous substance, it’s critical to use caution, safe handling procedures, and safe disposal methods. Our highly trained teams use their years of experience to work safely and effectively and ensure that our projects are safe and secure both during the abatement process and long after the job is finished.


hazardous material removal projects


Solutions for Lead, Mold, and Hazardous Waste

Our comprehensive range of HAZMAT containment and abatement services includes other materials that can pose a health hazard in your home, office, or job site. From abating and disposal of lead in old buildings, to mold control and more, our removal services can handle it all! Contact us today for more information.

O’ROURKE is a Top-Rated Demolition and Abatement Company

O’ROURKE has proudly been a go-to demolition contractor for decades. In all that time, we’ve earned our reputation through our industry-leading asbestos removal services, along with our other top-notch demolition and removal solutions. Our commitment to excellence, safety, and outstanding customer service makes O’ROURKE the top-rated choice for demolition needs across the country!

Professional Demolition Services Since 1962

For over six decades, O’ROURKE has been offering our leading demolition and abatement services throughout the United States as a top-rated contractor. With our years of experience and our professionally licensed team, we are ready, willing, and able to tackle any demolition job, from minor mold remediation to complete building implosion and more! Our proven solutions are designed to keep your property safe and secure from materials that could harm your health, quality of life, or peace of mind.

Providing Our Solutions Nationwide

At O’ROURKE, we offer both local and nationwide support for a variety of demolition, remediation, and asbestos abatement projects. From small projects to high-rise office buildings and more, our top team of asbestos abatement workers and demolition professionals are available wherever you are. Contact us today to learn more about our wide range of demolition services and the areas we cover.

hazardous materials abatement and remediation workers

Industry-Leading Processes and Equipment

O’ROURKE stands out from other asbestos removal companies through our industry-leading abatement and demolition processes. Our services are designed from the ground up to minimize downtime, improve safety, and reduce any possibility of contamination while we work. We use proven and reliable equipment to ensure the health and well-being of our team and our clients while improving our efficiency and generating better, faster results!

Our Commitment to Safety and Integrity

When it comes to demolition work, safety is and always has been our top priority. Our goal as your trusted demolition contractor is to provide undeniable service and proven results at the highest possible level of safety. All of our services are designed with safety at the forefront, and we go to work each day fully aware of our commitment and responsibility to both our clients and ourselves.

Contact Us Today for More Information

To learn more about our services or to book us for your upcoming asbestos abatement projects, contact us for more information today!